Dependency Parsing & Noun Phrase Chunking

Dependency Parsing

Dependency parsing is the task of extracting a dependency parse of a sentence. It is typically represented by a directed graph that depicts the grammatical structure of the sentence; where nodes are words and edges define syntactic relations between those words. A dependency relation is a triplet consisting of: a head (word), a dependent (another word) and a dependency label (describing the type of the relation).

Noun Phrase Chunking

Chunking is the task of grouping words of a sentence into syntactic phrases (e.g. noun-phrase, verb phrase). Here, we focus on the prediction of noun-phrases (NP). Noun phrases can be pronouns (PRON), proper nouns (PROPN) or nouns (NOUN) – potentially bound with other tokens that act as modifiers, e.g., adjectives (ADJ) or other nouns.

How to use

Dependency parsing and chunking can be used seperately as preprocessing steps for other NLP tasks. If you want to use dependacy parsing only just add dep in the pipeline and if you want to use only chunking just add chunk in the pipeline. If you wish to use both add dep,chunk to pipeline.