Part of Speech Tagging

This section is concerned with public available Part of Speech (POS) taggers in Persian.

Part-of-speech tagging is the task of classifying words into their part-of-speech, based on both their definition and context. Parts of speech are also known as word classes, which describe the role of the words in sentences relatively to their neighbors (such as verbs and nouns).

Tags that are used in DadmaTools in based on Universal Tags: ADJ: Adjective, ADP: Adposition , ADV: Adverb, AUX: Auxiliary verb, CCONJ: Coordinating conjunction, DET: Determiner, INTJ: Interjection, NOUN: Noun, NUM: Numeral, PART: Particle PRON: Pronoun PROPN: Proper noun PUNCT: Punctuation SCONJ: Subordinating conjunction SYM: Symbol VERB: Verb X: Other

Use cases

Part-of-Speech tagging in itself may not be the solution to any particular NLP problem. It is a task that is mostly used as a pre-processing step in order to make it easier for more applicative problems.